# Installation
# Installation by use npm
npm install ew-color-picker --save-dev
//npm install ew-color-picker -D
# Installation by use yarn
yarn add ew-color-picker --D
# import
<script src="./dist/ew-color-picker.min.js"></script>
# use
A colorPicker as follows:
//default configuration
var color = new ewColorPicker('.demo');
// or var color = new ewColorPicker(document.getElementByClassName('demo'));
//click the sure button
color.config.sure = function(color){
//return color value
//click the cancel button
color.config.clear = function(defaultColor){
//return default color value
// when the color changed
color.config.changeColor = function(color){
//return the changed color
//Custom configuration
var color = new ewColorPicker({
el:'.demo2',//the dom element
alpha:true,//open the alpha
hue:false,//open the hue
},//the colorPicker type,contained four value such as normal,medium,small,mini or an object that you defined by yourself,the min value is 25px
predefineColor:['#223456','rgba(122,35,77,.5)'],//predefine color is an array
disabled:false,//disabled all event
defaultColor:'#eeff22',//the default color
pickerAnimation:'opacity',//or 'height',`default`,the animation of open the colorPicker,the default value is `default`
pickerAnimationTime:300,//Animation execution time,200 is default,the max time is 10000
},//the handler of sure
},//the handler of clear
togglePicker:(el,flag,context) => {
console.log('current root element',el);
console.log('current color picker',context);
},//Click the box event callback, you need to pay attention to the event trigger must be set `hasBox` to true
isLog:false, //Whether to turn on printing information, the default is true if the value is not specified
changeColor:(color) => {
console.log('the color value changed:',color);
hasBox:true //The default is true, or false, indicating whether to display the box
isClickOutside:true, //The default is true, or false,Indicates whether it is allowed to click outside the colorPicker area to close the colorPicker
hasClear:true,//Whether to show the clear button,the default is true
hasSure:true, //Whether to show the sure button,the default is true,it is not recommended to set to false
hasInput:true, //Whether to show the sure input,the default is true,it is not recommended to set to false
boxDisabled:true,//The default is false,set it to true and set haxBox to true,then click on the box not to open the color picker
openChangeColorMode:true,//Whether to turn on the color switching mode, note that you must set alpha and hue to true to turn on this mode
hueDirection:"horizontal",//Or `vertical`, the default is a vertical layout display, indicating whether the hue color scale column is displayed in a horizontal or vertical layout
alphaDirection:"horizontal",//Or vertical, the default is a vertical layout display, indicating whether the transparency column is displayed in a horizontal or vertical layout
lang:"zh",//Or `en`, means whether to enable Chinese mode or English mode
clearText:"clear",//The clear button text, if you want to customize the value, you need to set `userDefineText` to true
sureText:"sure",//The sure button text, if you want to customize the value, you need to set `userDefineText` to true
userDefineText:false,//The default is false, after setting it to true, the switch of the `lang` attribute will be invalid
//If you don’t like the way to instantiate to create a color picker, you can also use the `createColorPicker` method
ewColorPicker.createColorPicker(config);//the param is the configuration
//You can get the default configuration object by `getDefaultConfig` method
//For the instantiated color picker class, we also provide 3 APIs, as follows:
color.openPicker(pickerAnimation,time);//Open the color picker manually, the parameter is the animation type, namely `height` or `opacity`
color.closePicker(pickerAnimation,time);//Manually close the color picker, the parameters are the same as the manual open method
color.updateColor(color);//Manually update the color value, the parameter is the color value, the unqualified color value will give an error prompt, and the color picker panel must be open
# Special Note
tips: It should be noted that starting from version 1.6.4, if there are multiple dom elements passed in, only the first dom element will be rendered as a colorPicker. If multiple colorPickers need to be rendered, an array can be used for instance. E.g:
let els = document.querySelectorAll('.demo');
els.forEach(item => {
new ewColorPicker(item);
//or new ewColorPicker({
// el:item,
// }) //and the configuration
# use cdn
//import css
//full version,This always imports the latest version of the colorPicker
//mini version
//or import the detail version (full version)
//mini version
# used in framework
import ewColorPicker from 'ew-color-picker';
// import the style
import "ew-color-picker/dist/ew-color-picker.min.css";
//or import "ew-color-picker/src/style/ew-color-picker.css";
const colorPicker = new ewColorPicker(option);//option is the configuration object, see above for details